On Friendship

It is not friendship day or week or month. Yet it seems that I receive a beautiful message about friendship and friends almost every week and they all end with a command that I send it on to my friends because it is the day or week or month of friendship. I don’t pass on to anyone but the constant flow tells me how important it is to have friends.

I do not need reminders of the value of friends. My friends know how much I value them. My friends and friendship are always on tap every day and all year. It is a two way street.

My friends cross all borders, whether cultural, religious, social or economic. There are friends from childhood and friends I have not yet met. I have often opined that I was not blessed with a large family but certainly made up for that with a host of dear friends. The bonus is that I got to choose them and they chose me. My friends span the globe.

Friends fill that need all humans have for companionship. Friends share a commonality of purposes, desires, mores and love. There are all occasion friends, special events friends but all are friends of the heart.

We laugh with friends, cry with friends, and share caring hugs. Friends are there for you. There is the friend who after a particular traumatic time called me every Sunday morning for almost three years just to say “Hello, I am here.” She knew that what I needed most was that call, that Sunday morning chat about anything, everything and nothing.

I lost a dear friend recently. Our bond was the silver lining that grew from the dark cloud of sharing the dementia journey as we cared for our beloved spouses. It triggered this item, an item that is an update of a post I wrote in 2019. We were lifeliners and I miss those morning and evening calls that said: “We’re still here, what joy!” And always ended with: “Love you.”

Every friend is precious so it is with a full heart that I say “Thank you” to my friends. Thank you for giving me strength, love and courage. Thank you for sharing the ups and downs and the in between. Thank you for being beside me to laugh and cry; to rejoice at successes and commiserate with me at the failures.

Thank you for bringing me back to see the light when I flounder in the dark. Thank you for raising me up. Thank you for filling the interstices in my book of life with love.

The Meander: My friends make the anguish less and me more.