A Christmas To Give

Do you like to watch the news?

Has the chaos and atrocities got you feeling down?

Do you feel helpless?

Are you wondering what is happening to our world?

Such questioning only add stress to our already stressful lives. Yet, throughout this year I have yearned to replace helplessness with hopefulness. In these very dark days I wonder why. I think it is all beyond me, that I should give up on hope. But I cannot because a life without hope is a life not worth living.

Let’s make this a holiday season to give as we are able. To share what we can. To be grateful that we have enough so we can help others. It does not have to be financial. Perhaps instead you can smile as you stand in line; phone or reach out to a friend; speak kind words to a stranger. Let’s try to spread hope.

Also, gift yourself too. Replace the news feeds that seem to relish blaring out the bad and the ugly, the atrocities and man’s inhumanity to man and woman, with good news stories. It may be hard to find enough good news. Those are not ‘sexy’; they do not bring high ratings. Evil sells.

When you run out of good news in the media look around to find it where you are. There is enough if we just pause from the daily busyness and despairing thoughts and look. Once again as you celebrate this holiday season substitute Christmas with whatever you celebrate. We all need Peace, Hope and Love.

We wish you Peace which is the Spirit of Christmas

We wish you Hope, which is the Joy of Christmas

We wish you Love, which is the Heart of Christmas.


We wish you a bad news blackout!

May you have good health, and find myriad moments of joy today and always!