A Christmas To Give

Do you like to watch the news?

Has the chaos and atrocities got you feeling down?

Do you feel helpless?

Are you wondering what is happening to our world?

Such questioning only add stress to our already stressful lives. Yet, throughout this year I have yearned to replace helplessness with hopefulness. In these very dark days I wonder why. I think it is all beyond me, that I should give up on hope. But I cannot because a life without hope is a life not worth living.

Let’s make this a holiday season to give as we are able. To share what we can. To be grateful that we have enough so we can help others. It does not have to be financial. Perhaps instead you can smile as you stand in line; phone or reach out to a friend; speak kind words to a stranger. Let’s try to spread hope.

Also, gift yourself too. Replace the news feeds that seem to relish blaring out the bad and the ugly, the atrocities and man’s inhumanity to man and woman, with good news stories. It may be hard to find enough good news. Those are not ‘sexy’; they do not bring high ratings. Evil sells.

When you run out of good news in the media look around to find it where you are. There is enough if we just pause from the daily busyness and despairing thoughts and look. Once again as you celebrate this holiday season substitute Christmas with whatever you celebrate. We all need Peace, Hope and Love.

We wish you Peace which is the Spirit of Christmas

We wish you Hope, which is the Joy of Christmas

We wish you Love, which is the Heart of Christmas.


We wish you a bad news blackout!

May you have good health, and find myriad moments of joy today and always!

Christmas 2022

What a year!                                                                                       

It was too short; it was too long

It was too busy; it was not busy enough.

There were tremendous highs and the deepest lows.

All in a single year.

New IDs – Author. Widow. Honouree 100 ABC Women.

A disease gave new direction.

Love conquered.

May you have a wonderful Holiday Season whatever your celebration may be.

May your New Year be filled with new Hope, more Light, unconditional Love and PEACE!

Season’s Greetings

As in former years I am left wondering where the year went.  It seems as if I was just writing my Christmas letter of 2018 and looking forward to a bright 2019.

And as in former years this 2019 has seen its highs and lows. 

Throughout the year my belief that there is always a silver lining remained.  Even the fact of my Bert being away from me had its silver linings.  He went into a home I had chosen. A good choice still and one reason I have been able to concentrate on loving while a team of professionals help with the caregiving. The staff is awesome!

Also, if my Bert was still living at home I would not have been able to attend the funeral of my dear childhood friend in Atlanta.  That was a perfect storm of highs and lows. 

My gratitude gene got a good workout throughout this year.  I am so grateful to our son and daughter-in-law who even with busy lives help to fill in the gaps, the Lifeliners and their invaluable support, and to the friends and neighbours who surround us with little acts of kindness every day.  How could I not be grateful.

2019 was a packed year and yet I still wonder where it went.  There is an experiment in the offing.  My Bert is coming home for Christmas.  How will that go?  No one knows.  Unlike the waffling about the anniversary celebration, there is no hesitation here.  My Bert loves to go out and has regular outings with visiting friends and bi-monthly restaurant lunches with the family. Spending Christmas in our own home is a no brainer. We are planning a Bert’s Christmas.  We hope it will be smooth sailing but are prepared to roll with the punches whatever happens.

All in all 2019 was filled with more highs than lows.  Between those two extremes life went on as usual.  There were funerals to attend, love and marriages and new babies to celebrate. We dealt with the ordinary tasks of daily living and revelled in the many moments of joy.

It is Christmas time, the holiday season of hope.  It is an awesome time!

May you have the Spirit of Christmas which is Peace

The Gladness of Christmas which is Hope

The Heart of Christmas which is Love.

Wishing you health and happiness and happy meanderings in 2020 !